5 Foolproof Ways To Maintain Your Running Mojo

5 Foolproof Ways To Maintain Your Running Mojo

5 Foolproof Ways To Maintain Your Running Mojo

Don’t let January get the better of you – here’s how to keep running

Make a success of January, and you’ve got a head start on your 2025 running goals. The key is keeping going. Here’s how to maintain your motivation so you don’t lose your running mojo in January.

January can be a hard month for runners. We make resolutions, plans, and even enter some races (perhaps under the influence of mulled wine!) But then reality hits… we have to actually keep running, all through those cold dark week nights.

Telltale Signs Your Running Mojo Needs A Boost


1 You’ve skipped more than one run in a row

2 You keep looking at races or events but nothing excites you

3 You feel heavy, sluggish, or lethargic

4 You know running is enjoyable once you’re out there but it doesn’t help!

5 You get jealous hearing or seeing about other people’s runs on social media

6 Your Strava streak needs some serious TLC

7 People have started asking if you’re “still running?”

8 Your laundry basket is empty for once

9 You feel tired even though you’re sleeping plenty


Hands up if you feel your mojo slipping away? We’ve been there! This is how we keep running – with no stress or pressure – right though January and out the other side.


#1 Don’t let one missed run become two

OK, so you skipped a training session. Maybe something came up, you double booked yourself, or maybe the sofa looked more inviting. It’s OK. Put it behind you and carry on. The worst thing you can do is let one missed session become two… or three.


#2 Keep it social

January is a great month for training with friends or joining a club. Going along to your local running club can feel like a fresh start and a boost of motivation for your running goals. And there’s bound to be at least one local friend or family member who wants to get out running. Use them – it’s a win/win for both of you!


#3 Have a goal

Running during January without a set goal can be extra difficult. What’s the point? So set yourself a goal. It could be to run a certain distance in January. Or maybe you want to join one of Strava’s free challenges. Or enter a race! We have plenty of those, if you’re interested…


#4 Track your progress

Running without a reward can feel like a thankless task. So be sure to pat yourself on the back. The first step is tracking your running. This can be via your watch, phone, and app, or a good old fashioned training diary. If you’re a visual person, why not add a dot (or write your run distance in red pen) on the wall calendar. Look back on your progress and be proud! Imagine the outcome if you had given into the January blues. The reality is pretty different – and you did that through sheer will power!


#5 New experiences

It can be easy to get stuck in a rut with January running (it hardly feels the time to be heading out on new routes). But don’t let boredom stand in your way. Seek out new routes during day time runs. Enter short local races to spice things up. Run with a friend and enjoy the catch-up conversation. Join a club and meet new running buddies. Or inject a bit of pace into your running with sprints, tempo runs, or hill reps. That will keep the boredom at bay!


What are your favourite ways to keep motivation high during January? Share them on our Facebook page – let’s get through Winter together!


Need a goal to work towards enter the Windsor Women’s 10k Saturday 27th September 2025 click here to enter today

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